Specialist chemical manufacturers, DZanetech prides itself on being a reliable partner, providing cutting-edge chemical solutions, technical expertise, and unrivalled customer service. Since our inception, we’ve been committed to innovation, quality, and sustainable growth in various industries. We know the products we offer are just a small part of a much bigger picture. 

What sets us apart from our competitors is that we keep this big picture in mind. We understand that our customers are not purchasing chemical formulations, but the means to create end products that satisfy their customers.

That’s why our customers' success has become such a critical part of our business and why our purpose will always be ‘to make our customers succeed’.



The theory and the science is what it is, but it’s what we do with it to serve our customers that sets us apart.’

 - Jacques Swanepoel, DZanetech National Sales Manager

We leverage long term, strategic partnerships and deep-seated industry knowledge to deliver the kinds of products and services you need to help your business succeed, whether this means innovation, faster turn-around, cost savings, less waste or improving end product quality.

How ever you measure success - we strive to be a part of that.


A diverse range and deep skill sets gives DZanetech the flexibility to ensure relevant and customer-centric solutions. Continuous improvement coupled with an intuitive understanding of global and local markets drives our sustainability.


Formulations are tailored to your requirements, accommodating everything from the sand and binders used, to the work and strip times needed in core and mould making processes. Moreover, DZanetech tracks product and supply trends to ensure quality and consistency of supply for the peace of mind your business needs in tumultuous times.


Our world-class consulting and technical services are designed to give you a definite edge over the competition. We are always eager to collaborate with suppliers and clients on creative solutions to industry challenges.
